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Omsk Refinery Modernisation – DCU

執筆者の写真: インターテックヘスインターテックヘス

This ARCTIC Shelter is used as an operator cabin and e-house for a side scraper to store the coke in Omsk. The housing has to comply with many requirements that presented us with interesting challenges.

The main issues were the redundant air filtration and air conditioning in a dust Ex-area Zone21 – creating a non-Ex area inside the shelter - and the electrical connection and control of the used equipment at a very low temperature of - 49°C.

The air filtration unit unit is only certified for -20°C, a fully INTERTEC made pre-warming system containing VARITHERM heaters, digital temperature controllers TC and a GRP housing heats up the air from -49°C. Most components of the cooling system are installed inside, so only the condenser and the fan have to be certified for hazardous areas.

To prevent the intrusion of dust an overpressure of approx. 50 Pa is created inside the shelter, but also inside the cabinet. An electrical control unit check the redundancy, the pressure, the functionality of ventilation/air conditioning and is intended to trigger various alarms.

The shelter itself was split in four sections. One main room for the operator, the electric switchgear and the distribution boxes, one room for the lubrication station of the side scraper, one room for the compressor of the air conditioning system and an air lock room. Special requests like a wiper for the front window or a torch in case of emergency have completed it all.

From the engineering of all the components to the piping and wiring of the equipment – all was completed by INTERTEC employees.





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